Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Atlantis Kadayan 12: Rekod Dari Greek

Written by Codec Cadaianicus

Atlantis Kadayan 12: Catatan-catatan Plato dan Greek Mengenai Ibu Tamadun

Dari dua artikel pertama siri ini, kita banyak mengulas mengenai conventional wisdom. Salah satu aspek pemikiran umum yang ada pada hari ini ialah menekan minda kita bahawa segala-galanya yang berkaitan dengan kemajuan sekarang ini adalah datang dari barat. Tetapi sebenarnya perkara ini mungkin tidak benar sama sekali. Maksudnya, perangai yang agresif, sikap suka membuli bangsa lain tidak semestinya disamakan dengan keadaan lebih bertamadun.

Di dalam soal bangsa Inggeris misalnya. Apabila Inggeris menekan kita selama lebih 400 lain, prejudis minda bawah sedar kita terus melihat mereka sebagai tuan.

Selebihnya, apa saja yang datang daripada mereka, termasuk bahasa yang mereka tuturkan adalah sangat canggih bagi kita.

Mungkin ada baiknya kita merenung kata-kata yang diluahkan oleh seorang penulis bangsa Eropah sendiri, “Kita seharusnya menghentikan minda Eurocentric ini. Harus diingat bahawa Eropah berada di bawah ais semasa zaman ais terakhir dan dengan itu tidak mempunyai warisan purba, serentak itu dengan mencadangkan bahawa merekalah yang membawa tamadun ke dunia adalah tidak masuk akal.”1

Ya. Mungkin wajar untuk kita mula berbangga dengan sejarah bangsa kita sendiri. Orang-orang Yahudi misalnya, sehingga ke hari ini terus-menerus mendakwa bahawa keturunan mereka “Canaanites” merupakan penduduk asal bumi Palestine sebelum orang-orang Palestine walau pun tanpa bukti kukuh.

Jadi bagaimana dengan orang Kadayan? Orang-orang Kadayan bertapak di Borneo ini sejak dari zaman Atlantis. Dan kita lebih mulia dari orang Yahudi kerana dakwaan ini kita buat sekadar untuk menemukan susur galur keturunan kita di dalam pencarian untuk mencari sesuatu yang boleh dibanggakan oleh bangsa kita sendiri, bukan untuk menjajah sesiapa

Terlebih dahulu, di dalam soal Atlantis Kadayan, saya perlu membawa perhatian anda mengenai Atlantis kepada orang yang terkemuka dan menjadi punca kenapa ia masih hangat dibincangkan sehingga ke hari ini. Pembicaraan yang terperinci itu dimulakan oleh seorang purba yang terkemuka di Greek iaitu Plato. Sehingga kini, catatan-catatan lain terutamanya digali satu persatu di dalam usaha mencari maklumat demi maklumat yang membolehkan kita merungkai persoalan misteri ibu tamadun orang-orang Kadayan, iaitu Atlantis.

Plato, Orator Atlantis yang Terulung

Plato yang juga dikenali sebagai Aristocles dilahirkan di Athen lebih kurang 427 – 428 SM, dan meninggal dunia pada usia 80 tahun (347SM). Semasa hayatnya beliau merupakan ahli falsafah Greek yang disegani. Beliau juga merupakan murid kepada Socrates, seorang lagi ahli falsafah Greek yang dianggap sebagai pengasas kepada ilmu falsafah moden.

Hukuman mati ke atas Socrates pada 399SM mendatangkan kesan yang mendalam ke atas beliau. Plato menghabiskan masa beberapa tahun berkelana dan belajar, sebelum kembali semula ke Athen pada usia 40 tahun. Beliau kemudian “... mengasaskan sekolah falsafah, yang terus beroperasi selama lebih 900 tahun (sehingga orang-orang Kristian menutup sekolah berkenaan kerana disyakki boleh memperkecilkan agama mereka)2.

Dua karya Plato yang menyentuh mengenai Atlantis adalah “Timaeus” dan “Critias”. Kedua-dua karya berkenaan ditulis pada 360SM, mungkin pada usia beliau lebih kurang 67 atau 68 tahun. Kedua-dua hasil penulisan ini merupakan rekod bertulis yang terawal mengenai Benua Atlantis yang tenggelam. Kesemua penulisan mengenai Atlantis yang selepasnya menggunakan karya Plato sebagai rujukan, atau sekurang-kurangnya ingin membuktikan apa yang terkandung di dalam tulisan Plato.

Catatan Plato – Timeaus dan Critias

Cerita mengenai pulau (benua) Atlantis disebutkan untuk pertama kalinya di dalam dua dialog (hasil penulisan) Plato iaitu “Timaeus” dan “Critias”. Cerita Plato berkisar mengenai Solon, ahli perundangan dan penyair terkemuka Greek yang pernah bertandang ke Mesir 150 tahun sebelumnya. Hanya sebagai catatan, Solon memang pernah melawat Sais, Mesir, sungguhpun tarikh yang diberikan oleh Plato mengenai hal ini bercanggah 20 tahun3.

Berdasarkan catatan Solon, sejarah Atlantis bermula sejak permulaan masa. Ketika itulah dewa-dewa membahagikan dunia sesamanya dan memerintah bahagian masing-masing4.

Poseidon (salah satu dewa) telah menerima Atlantis, sebuah pulau yang lebih besar berbanding dengan Libya dan Asia5 digabungkan bersama-sama. Beliau telah memilih Cleito, manusia biasa sebagai isterinya, dan mereka berdua merupakan pengasas kepada keluarga diraja Atlantis6.

Poseidon telah membina kediaman untuk Cleito di atas bukit tinggi di tengah-tengah pulau berkenaan7.

Cleito telah melahirkan anak bagi Poseidon seramai sepuluh orang, lima anak lelaki kembar dua. Atlas yang merupakan anak sulung kembar yang pertama, telah dimahkotakan sebagai raja bagi satu wilayah pemerintahan yang luas oleh ayahanda beliau.

Seterusnya, Poseidon telah merangka undang-undang yang harus diikuti oleh pemerintah Atlantis.

Apabila undang-undang ini mula diengkari, maka masalah mula melanda (Atlantis). Ramai di antara pemerintah-pemerintah in beransur-ansur mengahwini manusia biasa dan mula berkelakuan seperti manusia dungu (atau manusia, yang dungu).

Kemudian kejadian ini sampai ke perhatian Zeus8. Mereka kelihatannya telah mengingkari undang-undang dewa-dewa dan terlibat di dalam persekutuan durjana sebagai manusia9. Dia kemudian menghimpunkan semua para dewa di Olympus bagi menghakimi (menghukum) Atlantis. Cerita Plato di dalam “Critias” tamat di sini10.

“... tetapi kita telahpun mengetahui keputusan mesyuarat berkenaan (dari karya Plato yang satu lagi iaitu) dari Timeaus: i.e., selepas menderita (daripada gegaran) gempa-gempa bumi yang dahsyat dan banjir, Atlantis, dengan seluruh penduduknya, telah dimusnahkan, lenyap di bawah ombak Lautan Atlantik11.

Catatan Greek Mengenai Atlantis

(Greek Chronology)

Orang-orang Atlantis yang digambarkan oleh Plato pada permulaannya merupakan bangsa yang bangsawan; tetapi secara beransur-ansur elemen kedewaan semulajadi mereka dicemari dengan naluri manusiawi yang lebih rendah. Di dalam mitologi Greek, Raja Cronos (raja yang mula bersifat manusiawi atau Titan) telah memerintah di Zaman Keemasan, memperkenalkan pertanian, membina bandar-bandar dan undang-undang. Zaman Keemasan merupakan zaman kemakmuran dan keamanan12.

Herodotus dan Diodorus Siculus (penulis Greek) sama-sama menggambarkan puak-puak “Atlantean” tertentu yang tinggal di Libya. Herodotus menggambarkan mereka sebagai tinggal berdekatan dengan Gunung Atlas (History, Book IV), dan Diodorus (Lib. Hist., Book III) menyebutkan bahawa mereka tinggal “di dalam daerah yang terletak berhampiran dengan pesisir pantai lautan”13.

Adalah menarik untuk diperhatikan contoh bahawa di dalam Critias, Plato menggambarkan upacara menangkapan lembu yang berada di kandang kediaman diraja Poseidon. Di zaman Mesir purba, mahzab lembu telah dicatatkan di dalam teks purba sejauh sehingga Dinasti Pertama. Mahzab Lembu Mesir yang paling dikenali memuja Lembu Apis sehingga ke tahap mayat lembu berkenaan di kubur di dalam ruangan rahsia; dikenali sebagai Serapeum. Lembu Apis sememangnya dikaitkan dengan Ptah dan Osiris, dewa pencipta, kematian dan kehidupan semula. Jangka masa teoritikal diantara kemusnahan Atlantis dan penubuhan Mesir juga adalah amat dekat14.

Kesimpulannya, orang-orang Greek, iaitu orang-orang yang dianggap termaju dan paling bertamadun di zaman kuno menganggap ada lagi satu tamadun di luar wilayah mereka. Lebih dari itu, tamadun berkenaan dianggap lebih maju dan telah wujud beribu tahun lebih lama dari masa mereka. Wilayah ini terletak jauh dari tempat yang mereka ketahui, dan berada di tengah-tengah laut sebelum dimusnahkan oleh banjir.

Bagaimanapun, sumbangan utama mereka di dalam merekodkan Ibu Tamadun ialah di dalam soal perincian bandar, pemerintahan, gaya hidup dan hari-hari terakhir kemusnahan Atlantis. Mereka nampaknya tidak mampu menunjukkan arah kedudukan Atlantis dari segi geografi dengan baik. Ini kerana pengetahuan mereka yang terhad di dalam soal lautan, sehingga mana-mana lautan yang mereka lihat di anggap sebagai lautan Atlantik.

Tetapi walaupun dengan kelemahan begitu, mereka tetap meninggalkan satu petunjuk yang lain pula. Apa yang nyata ialah, apabila mereka membincangkan ibu tamadun ini, rujukan mereka adalah orang Mesir sebagai modal dan model perbicaraan.

Jadi nampaknya di dalam pembicaraan soal tamadun ini, catatan orang-orang Mesir merupakan sesuatu yang perlu diambil kira. Rekod-rekod di tangan mereka adalah lebih berharga bagi memberikan petunjuk yang lebih jelas mengenai lokasi Ibu Tamadun yang sentiasa menjadi lagenda di sepanjang zaman. Ya, lagenda negara asal orang-orang Kadayan.

Akan datang: Catatan India, Mesir dan Phoenicia Mengenai Ibu Tamadun


1user.on.net, 2006.

2unxplained-factor.com, 2006.


4themystica.com, 2006.

5Libya dan Asia menurut pemahaman orang Greek Purba, bukan Libya dan Asia seperti yang kita faham sekarang ini.

6themystica.com, 2006.


8Raja segala dewa-dewa

9"and acted in an evil coalition as men"

10themystica.com, 2006.

11Leonard, C., 2006.


13thothweb.com, 2005.



1. Sudheer Birodkar, 2006. Hindu Beliefs and Folklore - Pralaya, Kalki, Satyuga and Kaliyuga, Swarga and Narka, and Surya Grahana by Sudheer Birodkar. Accessed on 02 Aug 2006. http://www.hindubooks.org/sudheer_birodkar/hindu_history/satyuga.html

2. TheMystica.Com, 2006. Atlantis: the Myth. Accessed on 02 Aug 2006. http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/a/atlantis.html Sources: 16, 17.

3. Leonard, C., 2006. ECHOES OF ATLANTIS. Myths and Traditions of Ancient Lands by R. Cedric Leonard. Accessed on 02 Aug 2006. http://www.atlantisquest.com/Myth.html

4. thothweb.com, 2005. Atlantis: the Andes Solution: Ancient History. Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 (CST) by Thoth. Accessed on 03 Aug 2006. http://www.thothweb.com/index.html

5. Dos Santos, A.N., 1997. CORROBORATING EVIDENCE ON THE REALITY OF ATLANTIS by Prof Dr. Arysio Nunes dos Santos. Accessed on 17 Jan 2007. http://www.atlan.org

6. unxplained-factor.com, 2006. Introduction to Atlantis. Accessed on 22 Nov 2007. http://unxplained-factor.com/index.htm

7. user.on.net, 2006. Accessed on 12 Jul 2006. http://users.on.net/~mkfenn/page10.htm

8. Childress, D.H., 2007. Top Ten Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology by David Hatcher Childress. Accessed on 28 Aug 2006. http://www.atlantisrising.com/issue1/ar1topten.html

Friday, January 25, 2008

Adeh, tahun hijrah 1429 pulang tu... [Kadayan Universe Forum]

Kadayan Universe Community Hall: Kedai Kopi General Discussion

TOPIC: Adeh, tahun hijrah 1429 pulang tu...

kaawai (Admin)

Adeh, tahun hijrah 1429 pulang tu... 2 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
supan eeh,

macam mana pulang tatulis 1428 di emel pangumuman alum batah ani, adeh adeh.

Sori yah, 1429 bah tu.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Medieval Borneo: The Great Java, 1290

Written by Arimi Sidek

Ever wonder what Borneo, the heartland of Kadayans, was called in western medieval records? Prior to it famous name, Borneo, was known as Java. It is Java Magna [Big Java Island] to be precise, while Java island known as Java minor [Small Java Island]. I used to have several softcopy references in the matter. Unfortunately, they were lost when my hard disk damaged recently. This is the only reference left, and I publish it here, so it will be well preserved in the Internet.

Catalan Atlas

Catalan Atlas

Borneo was referred to as Java the Great while today's Java was referred to as Java the Less by Mediaeval Europe cartographists.

In Ptolemy's map, the land east of the Golden Chersonese, the Malay Peninsula, is called Iavadiou, described as a land rich in gold and silver.

Hereford c. 1290 AD, in another medieval European map gives an interesting description of an island marked as Tile. The inscription about the island reads, "Insula omnibus bonis focunda - An island abounding in all good things." In the island a great mountain is marked as Mount Caucasus. However, many researchers believe that the island marked as Tile is indeed Borneo Island, and thus, Mount Caucasus referred to could actually be Mount Kinabalu.

Marco Polo and Odoric of Pordenone referred to Java the Great with description of the greatness of Brunei, which was at the height of its power in about 1300 AD. In late 1530 Portuguese maps such as the one published by Laurent Fries show Borneo as Java Major and today's Java as Java Minor.

Abraham Cresques of Majorca in the Catalans Atlas, a magnificent world map drawn for King Charles V of France in 1375, a reference is made to an island that could most probably be Borneo.

Details of the north west coast from Tanjong Sirik to the Klias peninsula are very well incorporated. The name given is Illa Iana with the inscription which reads "In this island of Iana are found many kinds of aloes, camphor and sandal, the galingale, nutmeg, trees of cinnamon, which is the most precious spice of the Indies, and there are found even mace and its leaves". This description matches the account of. Java the Great, and also because "Fana", "Iana" and "Iava" are all variants of Java. Interestingly, on the north west coast of the island is marked a city called Malao, the Malano of later English: referring to a race inhabiting the island, which is most probably Melanau of today. The production of camphor and reference to Java the Great identify ma Iana with Borneo.

The Fra Mauro map c. 1459 AD cites several important places in Borneo, particularly north west Borneo. Fra Mauro, a Benedictine monk who lived on the island of Murano at Venice, working as a cartographer produced many excellent maps. His masterpiece, the great world map measuring about 2 metres in diameter was a supreme achievement of mediaeval cartography. With regard to Giava Major, some important inscriptions are included such as "The port of the island is called Randan", which could possibly be today's Landak in Sarawak, once a thriving port.

Accompanying description states that "Throughout the whole of this island the bodies of the dead are cremated", which could possibly be referring to the Bidayuh who inhabit the First Division of Sarawak and practise cremation. Further north of Randan is a city named Giava, and the island Giava Major.

In the map of Albertin De Virga c. 1413 AD a large island is marked as "Caparu Sive lava magna" meaning "Caparu or Java the Great".

Source: Early names of Borneo. Headline. Tourism News Detail. Date Posted: 5/24/2004. Source: Daily Express, 23 May 2004. Accessed on 30 May 2004. http://www.sabahtourism.com/news/details.asp?newsid=1695

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Kadayan Frog Under a Coconut Shell

Written by Kadayan Banaa

Katak Di Bawah Tempurung

Balingkatak Di Bawah Tampuung

A Frog Under a Coconut Shell - a malay proverb

I dunno if there is such a frog ever lives under or inside coconut shell in reality. It is purely accidental, I suppose. First, an adult frog lay eggs unto the water, then the eggs hatch into thousand of tadpoles. Tadpoles swim, eat and live underwater, they live the life of fish until the time comes when their legs sprouted, and they can walk and jump accordingly. Just how one of them suddenly leap into a coconut shell, which is in upside down position, I really wonder how.

And how it gonna eat while inside the shell?

Latest Revision, 28 July 2008.

Okay, cut the crap. That is not what I wanted to say, nor the above statement exposing the proverb real meaning. I just wanna have a good intro, thats it.

The proverb actually describes a state of narrow mindedness due to confinement, and tight surrounding. Its about a person who never get out of the comfort zone. As he stays in such a limited place, living in a tiny world of his own, he or she thinks the dark world inside coconut shell is everything, and complete.

Until one day, when somebody (others, who live outside the shell and need to be bigger than a mere frog to lift the shell) remove the shell and all of the sudden, a bigger world is being presented to the misfortunate frog.

Well, this applies to the new generation of Kadayans in the IT era nowadays. A real katak di bawah tempurung. I'm one of those, I suppose. I don't travel much since birth, I admit.

This is also true for most of young Kadayans. We did early schooling in shanty hometowns. Finished off, then wandering in state capitals such as Kota Kinabalu, Kucing, or Bandar Seri Begawan.

Some manage to go to Kuala Lumpur, the farthest city we can reach, and the biggest city that we can see with froggie kadayan eyes. But not for all kadayans. For some, Kuala Lumpur is still an Atlantis. Its just a legend, shining on TV but beyond our touch even until now.

The luxury of large batch of scholarships has long gone.

Opportunity to study oversea is next to impossible for most of us.

So for majority of young Kadayans, they are the product of local universities. Not from England. Not From USA. Australia. New Zealand. These are "The Fantastic Four" of the older generation.

Many top leaders were educated there. Some just bought quick degree...

Some Kadayans manage to finish undergraduate study off in a later stage of life. They completed them via distance learning programs, while working in government departments or companies at the same time. Equally growing number of us graduated through government-supported “open” university system. Until now, I really can't tell the difference from distance learning and “open” university system, except the program offered by different universities.

Its definitely katak di bawah tempurung isn't it.

The only difference is that, just in case that you don't notice, the tempurung actually is getting much, much bigger.

Now, the whole planet earth is just a mere tempurung.

The “library”, the “windows” (the Internet) had full blown into billion websites, provide us with nearly unlimited source of knowledge as never before. With the help of the Internet, our tempurung boundary stretch to it widest frontier, so long we know broken English.

Thanks to language tools such as Google Language Tools, Babelfish and dozen other similar tools that enable us to read as many materials as we can, provided we familiarize ourselves with few English words. With them, we can translates non English material from major languages such as French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, etc...

So much for a tempurung life.


But honestly, good English grammar is outbound in the Internet

But honestly, good English grammar is out of bound in the Internet. Afterall there is no governing body to safeguard English grammar quality, except we have to abide our own country law in order to live safe and sound. And what is known as English to us may not meant for others. There are such terms like SingLish - (corrupted) Singaporean English and MangLish - (corrupted) Malaysian English. So, in the Internet perhaps its good to be called as NengLish - (corrupted) interNet eNglish.

Good English grammar is a luxury even in Google Language Tools, its truly scarce even in Babelfish.

Global netizen (interNet ciTizen) including Russians, Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Kadayans or almost everybody who get used to the Internet generally understand this netthic (interNet eThic) and trend quite well.

In my case for example, If I wait until I have a decent knowledge of English before attempted to write something, I can't complete the task even after my next life. The answer is simple, I don't have the urge to improve it.

I believe that no matter how good the language quality is, its just a communication tool. It is useless if nobody communicates using it as medium. Take a look at Latin, Hebrew and Sanskrit and you will understand. They were the most civilized languages of the past, and now survived only in ancient texts. Nobody uses them as an effective communication mean anymore.

A sure thing. As far as the English language is concern, embarrassment due to poor grammar, or poor English command in general, for me, is outbound too. You don't have to be a "judge" to judge my language skills, but rest assure that my stupidity has nothing to do with English. I made it up on my own, English is just an accessory that helps myself look even dumber.

Therefore, the above statement holds the same merit to my wisdom and intelligence, if i have any of them. It has nothing to do with English. Worst still, as I can't fully grasp English, I can't use it as an accessory to further beautify my wisdom.

As for young Kadayans failure on noticing the importance of good command in English, don't put your blame on them, blame the government of the day.

After 50 years of independence they still even struggling to find the correct name for their education ministry from "Jabatan Pelajaran" to "Jabatan Pendidikan", then reverted back to "Jabatan Pelajaran", before divided into "Jabatan Pelajaran" and "Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi"; let alone to promote English.

This is the personal view of the author and it does not necessarily reflect the view of KadayanUniverse.Com on the matter – Kaawai Tanah.

Monday, January 14, 2008

The Brother & I

Written by arimi sidek

I came from a big family with 14 siblings. Three passed away on their tender age, while one of my elder brothers passed away 4 years ago. The remaining 10 of us survive till this day. I can write a lengthy articles on each of them. But this time I am writing about my eldest brother. He is more successful than I am. He was a senior officer with a state government agency until he opted for early retirement 5 years ago. Apart from that, he is a qualified lawyer, a part time lecturer and quite a well known writer in Sabah.

The a matter of fact, he is the source of inspiration and pride for our family since I was small. We talked about him all day in our childhood, as he gone to “naagi oang putih” for so long that we hardly visualized his face anymore. I remember one day, my late father came home with broad smile on his face, and a piece of newspaper in his hand, showing us the picture of his son, my brother. Later I found out that the news was about my brother being elected as student leader in UK that time.

Mind you, it was in 70s. And when I say we were proud, actually we were really proud in real sense. Notice this. Whenever he went back to kampong and the news spread over, it was as if we hold little kenduri every time. As if the routine activities in the kampong stop. It was a self declared “public holiday” for the rest of the neighborhood, not just our family.

He inspires me to write and I found out later that writing is easy. I also found out that I am not a good inventor, to be honest. I need others to inspire me to do something to serve as kick start every time. Without that, practically I am just an amoeba. Alive, but amount to nothingness. This is equally right when a good samaritan someone inspired me to compose songs, to draw, to study Islam and Sufism, Hinduism, and to further study in academics. I was inspired to be with Tabligh for some time. I learned about Kadayan mysticism because someone encouraged me to do so. Even to learn about computing and typing, it was my wife who inspired me. Without her, I may still be glued to TV every night, not knowing something else to do.

Now, back to my brother. He IS the one who planted the “Kadayan bugs” into my head back in 1990. After 18 years the bugs are now fully grown and I am fully infected with them.

He inspires me to write and I found out later that writing is easy.

He planted the “Kadayan bugs” inside my head back in 1990.

No, No. Don't expect our relationship as what you and your brother might have.

Until this day, I simply don't go to his house and say “bro, may I borrow your car?”

Neither does him.

He plays cocky to me as long as I could remember. He is bossy me around all the time. When I just graduated, the first advice he gave me was “we are both graduates. I expect you to be smart. Being smart in such, you should not expect other to help you bla bla bla...”

Yes, he speaks his words. Never that he assist me to find a decent job, although that was during the PBS time, and getting a job was started to became scarry difficult.

He knew lot of people, his close friends were among the cabinet ministers back then. In short, he was in best position to help me, his youngest brother. Probably, it was a matter of a single call to put me somewhere in any government departments. Yet, he had chosen NOT to.

He is very talkative sort of person. Talkative, that sometime, he remind me of our late father very closely.

So talkative that its safe to ignore most of what he said to me. It is normal for him to talks, preaches me non-stop for more than three hours, especially while driving along the highway from Kota Kinabalu back to our home town. Honestly, most of the time I can't catched up with all his talkings. He speaks very fast for me to chip in, leaving me of no choice other than to became a good "yes" man.

He also talks so loud most of the time, he terrifies me all the time when I was small. My childhood memories with him are full of terrifying sorts. Like my father, he can make us pee unnaturally by just starring into our eyes.

The earliest one which I still remember clearly is when he came back from nowhere (probably Government Secondary School Hostel) while I was squabbled with my younger sister. He scolded us with a long rattan cane, that chicken us dead.

However, the cane memory was also the good memory. This was the first time he bought us short pants, for my sister and I. Then he captured both of us in photos. That were the first photos I ever have, they were taken in 1972. But the good experience of course, short lived. I never had a chance to wore the pant. I never even had a chance to touch it, the other brother took it away from me.

He is ever aggressive and forever energetic. He kinda person that full with ideas. And when memory is full, like when your telephone SIM card memory is full, the behavior tend to be erratic. Forgetfulness is one of those.

I tell you forgetfulness isn't part of the ageing process for him. For example, its forever safe to ignore when he say that he wanted to see me, all the time. Except, of course, he said that he already waiting for me somewhere. Even for this, sometime he just bluffs. He probably still somewhere else, does some other things.

I never had a chance to really intellectually argue with him face to face, and I never will. This is due to the simplest fact, he is my eldest brother. I respect him as much as he can get, and as much as someone expect what the respect is all about, from young Kadayan of old point of view, to their elders. For me respect includes, among other things, inability to argue with him. I notice this isn't just me, he encountered the same problem with our late father. I never saw they had professional and intellectual arguments to each other, not even until the day my father dies.

I never had a chance to really intellectually argue with him face to face, and I never will. This is due to the simplest fact, he is my brother.

My childhood perception bother me too much to argue with him correctly.

Others, probably due to different communication channels. I can just argue in civilized manner in Kadayan and Malay language. I only use English when I curse someone. He is just the opposite, he can only talk properly in English, and his Malay so bad that even my son don't understand what he said sometimes.

Bad news, my son is also a Kadayan, and I noticed that he imitates my policy so well.

My brother may be travels a lot, highly educated and knowledgeable person for most people. But for me, he is my brother and I love him as he is. I understand him a lot more than almost anybody else. The most important thing is I can see deep inside him. And gladly share what I found there – he is a kadayan, like me.

Or even more, he is a true kadayan, unlike me ...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MA'AL HIJRAH 1429h [Kadayan Universe Forum]

Kadayan Universe Community Hall: Kedai Kopi General Discussion


askasah (User)

SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MA'AL HIJRAH 1429h 2 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
Assalamualaikum wbt,

Selamat Menyambut Ma'al Hijrah 1429H. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki, sentiasa mendapat rahmat dan hidayah dari Allah SWT, dilanjutkan usia yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu orang lain dan bukan sebaliknya untuk menyusahkan orang lain, kehidupan rumah tangga yang sejahtera dan berhijrah kearah peningkatan taqwa kepada Allah SWT.

Yang kanak-kanak atu jangan hantap gauk. Amun asanya tahun lapas atu gauk dikit-dikit, baanti akan tia tahun ani. Jaan gauk lagi. Atu tah yang kana ucap hijrah atau balalih daie yang kuang baik ka yang baik.

Selamat bercuti.

kaawai (Admin)

Re:SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MA'AL HIJRAH 1429h 2 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
askasah wrote:

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Selamat Menyambut Ma'al Hijrah 1429H. Semoga dimurahkan rezeki, sentiasa mendapat rahmat dan hidayah dari Allah SWT, dilanjutkan usia yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu orang lain dan bukan sebaliknya untuk menyusahkan orang lain, kehidupan rumah tangga yang sejahtera dan berhijrah kearah peningkatan taqwa kepada Allah SWT.

Yang kanak-kanak atu jangan hantap gauk. Amun asanya tahun lapas atu gauk dikit-dikit, baanti akan tia tahun ani. Jaan gauk lagi. Atu tah yang kana ucap hijrah atau balalih daie yang kuang baik ka yang baik.B)

Selamat bercuti.

Auu, ampaa miaa pisinnya, mbalas dandam kan nulis pakah. Baik jua inda kana set autopublish amun kamu talihat yang balum kana publish ada yang kapisan mangkali.

Taima kasih, tago-tago saja tu... salamat tahun bahau jua