Saturday, August 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Merdeka 2008, Malaysia

Written by KaaWai ^TaNaH^ mengucapkan selamat hari merdeka kepada seluruh warga malaysia.

Ini merupakan tahun ketiga KadayanUniverse.Com sejak dibentuk pada bulan Disember, 2005.

Penstrukturan semula pengurusan pada penghujung tahun lepas (Okt 2007) nampaknya berjaya memacu perkembangan yang menggalakkan terutama kepada jumlah pengunjung yang bertandang ke laman web ini, yang mendadak meningkat melebihi 20 kali ganda berbanding dengan tempoh yang sama (Jan – Aug) 2007.

Sempena hari kemerdekaan ini biar kami tegaskan sekali lagi bahawa sebenarnya masih bukan merupakan laman web politik sepenuhnya. Kami tidak menyokong mana mana parti politik atau ditaja oleh mana-mana pihak yang berkepentingan politik sama ada parti pemerintah ataupun pembangkang dan meskipun tulisan-tulisan yang dipaparkan berbau ke kiri atau ke kanan.

Laman ini kami usahakan dengan titik peluh dan jerih payah sendiri. Sehingga kini, pulangan terbesar dari kerja-kerja berkenaan adalah di dalam bentuk kepuasan sendiri sahaja.

Kebanyakan tulisan yang ada pula datangnya samaada :

i) Sumbangan sukarelawan dari serata Malaysia dan Brunei - terima kasih daun keladi.

ii) Kutipan bahan dari laman-laman para penulis blog dari serata dunia - maaf, kami ciplak saja.

iii) Media akhbar arus perdana di negara ini - dalam kebanyakan masa mereka tak tahupun berita yang mereka sediakan dengan susah payah kami cincang di sana sini.

Namun begitu, kesemua artikel yang tersiar adalah disertakan dengan sumbernya, sebagai penghormatan kepada hak-hak harta intelek si pengarang yang berkenaan.

Penulis-penulis memang kritikal. Tetapi kami tidak ikut-ikutan menterbalikkan bendera Malaysia, tidak.

Sudah merdekakah kita?

Kami di sini merdeka, rasanya.


Aliesofie - TAHNIAH |2008-08-31 01:54:14
Suara dari Buhor mewakili penduduk dan kaum Kedayan di Negara Brunei Darussalam ingin menyampaikan Tahniah kepada Seluruh warga Malaysia atas sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan ke 51.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Khairy bakal menjadi pengerusi Petronas?

( Dengan pengaruh wang dan lobi yang besar, Khairy Jamaludin percaya bahawa beliau dapat menerajui Petronas dalam masa terdekat. Ini dibantu dengan sokongan berterusan (wang dan kuasa) yang datangnya dari Singapura melalui Temasek Group.

Berdasarkan kepada analisis semasa dan pasaran Asia Tenggara, Temasek Group amat berminat untuk menguasai Petronas demi untuk mengukuhkan aliran tunai dan kewangan mereka.

Buat masa ini hanya cabang industri Minyak dan Gas sahaja yang masih belum dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh Temasek Group. Beberapa transaksi kewangan berskala besar telah dikesan dibiayai oleh Temasek Group kepada beberapa individu dalam industri Minyak dan Gas tempatan termasuklah kepada pihak yang membekalkan khidmat sokongan kepada industri yang sama.

Dengan penguasaan dalam industri Pelabuhan (seperti masa telah dikenalpasti bahawa beberapa pelabuhan utama di Malaysia kini telah dipindahkan sahamnya kepada proksi Temasek Group) tempatan, maka dapat dijangkakan bahawa Temasek Group kini sedang berusaha membuat beberapa pemerolehan lagi demi memantapkan organisasi mereka.


wea - ish2 si khairy ni... |2008-08-29 14:30:59
ko meme SAMPAH!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Palupuh – buluh (bukan rebung) cincang

Written by kalajiau ingaa

Ting kulabit-labit

palupuh di tabasan

ku sinting aienya damit

kupupuh sudahya basaa

(timang tinggi-tinggi

palupuh di bendang

ku manjakan waktu kecil

ku tangankan bila dah besar)

Tetapi fokus tulisan ini adalah berkisar kepada perkakas (hardware) yang bernama ’palupuh’ bukan isi pantun di atas.


Palupuh merupakan kepingan-kepingan buluh yang dijadikan dinding dan lantai bangunan oang daat. Bangunan yang dimaksudkan termasuklah rumah, junjung (rumah kecil, pondok, sulap), duong (durong, kepuk, jelapang padi).

Buluh yang sesuai dijadikan palupuh adalah dari jenis tebal, dan ia adalah spesis buluh paling besar di dunia kami. Pokoknya menjulang tinggi sehingga 20 meter dan perdu rumpun perdunya boleh menjangkau 10 meter keliling.

Dulu ia senang didapati di keliling kampung. Batangnya berat, miang dengan ukur lilit sehingga sebesar tin milo 700g . Batang yang masih segar berwarna hijau tua. Panjang ideal bolehgunanya (usable length) adalah sekitar 5 meter.

Ada masanya bekalan buluh di sekitar kampung tidak mencukupi. Dalam keadaan ini pilihan yang kami ada ialah ke hutan yang terletak di bahagian hulu sungai.

Ini adalah strategi pintar oang daat. Batang-batang buluh ini dihimpunkan di sungai dan dijadikan bangkaa (bangkar, rakit) lalu dihanyutkan sehingga ke pengkalan sungai di kampung.

Ia adalah keputusan bijak. 2-dalam-1, jimat tenaga dan jimat masa. Maksudnya, rakit berkenaan dijadikan pengangkutan dan sekaligus mengangkut buluh dalam masa yang sama.

Kerja-kerja mengambil buluh boleh dikerjakan seorang diri. Tapi namanya oang daat jaranglah kami buat kerja bersendirian. Gotong-royong (mucang, mahutangi) adalah norma kehidupan. Sedikit seorang, sedikit seorang, lama-lama habis diangkut ke halaman rumah.

Sampai di halaman, buluh-buluh berkenaan disusun dan dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian penggunaannya. Setelah dipotong mengikut panjang yang sesuai, ia akan mula dicincang membujur (bukan melintang batang buluh) dengan menggunakan parang pembelah potongan sisi; bukan parang pemenggal dan ia dikenali dengan nama 'Maang panyimpaa'.

Batang buluh ini di cincang lumat tetapi berselang seli. Tetakan bermula dan berhenti pada takatnya sendiri agar urat batang buluh tidak putus terus dari satu pangkal ke pangkal yang satu lagi. Hasilnya batang buluh ini menjadi satu kepingan yang boleh di jadikan dinding.

Saudara daat kami orang dusun juga menggunakan pelupuh ini sebagai lantai. Tapi kami tidak, sepanjang pengetahuan sayalah, kecuali untuk lantai duong padi.


saidah |2008-10-08 09:49:06
waaaaaa..batah dah inda mendangar lagu atu..time ku damit2 nganya ku tedangar(aimulah nini sama mama ingin naindung)..nda lagi ku tedangar lagi kaang ani..

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Malaysians, time to abandon Microsoft Windows and go for LINUX!

Written by arimi sidek

Greedy monster dream: to racks RM1 billion by forcing Malaysians to buy obsolete product!

A greedy monster, Microsoft, had announced that there will be no mercy for 3 million estimated pirate users of Windows XP Pro operating system in Malaysia from now on. Should illegal users use it for internet purpose, their PC possibly goes blackout anytime.

Revised text version, 27 Aug 2008.

If you don't want it to happen, you have to purchase the original copy of Windows at the cost of RM580.00 each from local resellers or go to Microsoft website .

Curtains for pirated Windows

PETALING JAYA: From today, those with pirated copies of the Windows XP Professional operating system in their computers that are Internet-capable could find their screens going black and the icons vanishing as Microsoft Corp gets tough.

There are 8.6 million users of Windows XP Pro in Malaysia and about three million are expected to suffer the “blackouts”, according to Microsoft Malaysia.

To continue working, users will need to reset the machine’s desktop background. All will return to normal, but only for 60 minutes before another blackout occurs.

The only “cure” is to get a licensed copy of the operating system from a Microsoft reseller or going online at microsoft. com/malaysia/genuine. Each licence costs RM580.

Okay, we should respect the intellectual property right, thats the way it is. Windows XP is a proprietary of Microsoft, so, it can do whatever it wants. But still, Microsoft is unbelievably greedy. This is the strategy to sell phased out Windows XP before it being laid off the shelf. It is the last bid to make Malaysia as dumping ground for obsolate operating system which was launched sometime in 2001 - 7 years ago.

Yes, Windows XP is considered an obsolete operating system, Microsoft is on Vista now. In fact Microsoft's initial plan was to end official support for Windows XP in April, 2008. But the demand for Vista not the way as Microsoft expect as XP remains as a popular operating system and it obliged to extends the support for XP until next year.

RM580 for XP Pro? That is the normal price without any discount whatsoever. By the way, the normal price for Home Edition was only RM350. Microsoft expected to racks more than RM1 billion should it successful in chickening out Malaysian pirates, illegal users.

The monster is dreaming

And Microsoft wanna talk about intellectual property right to 3 million pirate users in Malaysia. Most of them rather face the blackout than to spend RM580 to buy license copy of Microsoft Windows XP. If they wanna buy the genuine copy, they had done so long ago. Now their PC screen goes blank, I bet, they will wait for somebody to come up with 'pirated' fix downloadable from torrent sites to prevent microsoft cop from blanking their screen again, ever.

Ahoi Pirates!, Go for open source

For these reluctant hardcore Windows XP pirates, I propose that you go for LINUX. Its FREE. And go for the most user friendly linux at present, ubuntu and its variants, kubuntu and xubuntu.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Buah Berry Oang Daat

Written by kalajiau ingaa

Asam Awie

Buahnya sebesar ibu jari kaki lebih kurangnya. Berbentuk bulat agak sempurna dan cantik. Kulitnya licin berkilat, berwarna merah, menarik dan kelihatan amat ranum.

Sekali pandang ia merupakan sejenis 'berry' – penampilan yang paling hampir dengannya ialah spesis red currants.

Buah asam awie, awie, awii, awe


Namun isinya tidak seindah rupanya. Rasanya tidak seranum warna kulitnya. Boleh dimakanlah, bukan tidak boleh. Isinya lembut dan rasanya sedikit manis, agak kelat tapi, memang kurang menariklah. Anda tidak akan membeli buah ini untuk menikmati isinya.

Sebaliknya asam awie dibeli kerana kulit buahnya yang kira-kira setebal 3-4cm. Kulit ini mempunyai tahap acidic yang tinggi. Maksudnya buah ala berry ini merupakan sejenis asam ramuan masakan tradisi.

Asam ini berbeza dengan asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis Griffith et Anders), juga bukan asam kandis (Garcinia xanthochymus). Yang pasti, ia cukup masam.

Ia boleh dijeruk untuk menghasilkan cuka asli yang bermutu tapi cuka ini tidak tahan lama. Jadi biasanya ia dijemur sehingga kering kecut dan berwarna hitam. Asam awie mempunyai nilai pasaran yang agak tinggi. Asam awie adalah yang paling senang diproses. Belah dua, korek isi dan ia sedia untuk dijemur. Melalui proses sedemikian ia tahan lebih lama berbanding asam-asam tradisi lain seperti asam kalumbi, balimbing pucong, asam limau, bambangan dan seumpamanya.


jureen |2008-08-21 10:43:21
asam awiee.nyaman ba tu ,famili kami antara org yg terlibat dlm penjualan asam awie ni,segantang bole mencecah rm30!!tetapi proses pembuatannya agak leceh dan mengambil masa yg lama,bermula dr proses mengutip(sangal pinggang dang),belah n korek, jemur(tempoh kering biasanya dlm 4 hari,itupun kalau hari sentiasa panas) dan akhir sekali pembungkusan.
isinya turut bole dijemur dan ditambah dlm masakan walaupun rasanya x se'umph' kulitnya

doll |2008-10-08 09:05:49
asam awiee??eh..bkn namanya asam maoi'@asam aoi ka??

Monday, August 18, 2008

Kadayan Journal @Permatang Pauh

Not sure what he is up to, but this is the latest posting in his blog. Seems that he is on something there...

If Permatang Pauh, springboard to a new government?

The Kadayan Journal blogger is in his way to Permatang Pauh. He would be posting some of his observations here-what he sees and hears related to the by election.

Day 1

( August 15th

I was in KL; I picked a taxi from Medan Tuanku going somewhere to Jalan P Ramlee.

I like talking to taxi drivers. I usually did this in the past if I wanted to feel people’s sentiment on the ground. It’s a crude method of doing a sampling but that’s the cheapest and the easiest. They (drivers) would talk and answers your questions. Regardless the ethnic and religion, they are usually friendly.

The Malay and Indian would talk very freely. But I have no problem with the Chinese too once they feel safe to talk. I would start with introducing myself. I would continue appreciating their profession and taking interests in human, meaning, I hate injustices and unfairness. I would tell them a little bit about my experience, exposure, and place I visited but avoid of being considered pompous. I want them to think that I’m seeking their valuable views. They know more than me. They will tell you

Today I talked to one, a Malay taxi driver, in less than five minutes he started talking as if we were friends for ages. He hated people who park the cars rampantly flouting the by laws in the city. He said 90% of the cars are expensive cars like Mercedes and BMW. To him the owners must be rich and powerful people. They are corrupt; they must BN people, without reservation he said, wait until Anwar Ibrahim becomes Prime Minister, and he will clean this up. Thus I know he is for Pakatan Rakyat.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Peminta Sedekah Melayu di internet

Written by giin buagas

Dia ni memang tidak syak lagi merupakan peminta sedekah di alam siber. Kalau ikut namanya Azfarizal Effendi Abdullah (berdasarkan nombor akaun-akaun yang didakwa sebagai miliknya).

Azfarizal memang terkenal di yahoogroups dan

Modus operandi beliau senang saja, menggunakan YahooGroups reminder untuk mengeluarkan peringatan setiap jam / hari menagih derma dari sesiapa yang bersimpati biarpun cuma RM1.

Agaknya tiada sebarang kesalahan undang-undang yang dilanggar Azfarizal selain dari menjual maruahnya sendiri dan menjaja nama di seluruh dunia sebagai orang papa dan meminta ehsan orang ramai.

Tapi TIADA BEZA Asfarizal dangan pengemis yang menadah tangan di Puduraya, Chow kit, Georgetown, Kota Kinabalu; semua mereka adalah pengemis.

Kepada Asfarizal, hentikanlah, buat malu bangsa awak sendiri saja. Kalau sengkek sangat pegi jual burger lagi baik dari minta sedekah.

Tapi, bagaimana pula halnya dengan nama-nama bank yang dijajanya? Apa bank tuan-tuan tidak mempunyai apa-apa masalah dengan aktiviti pengemis cyber, misalnya imej bank tuan-tuan yang turut dijaja ke dunia pengemis dan menjadi infrastruktur pengemis ...

Boleh buat sesuatu ke dengan akaun pengemis ni?

Friday, August 8, 2008

No Athletes, Brunei excluded from Olympics 2008

BEIJING (xinhua) -- The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided to exclude Brunei Darussalam from the Beijing Olympic Games because no athlete was registered for competition, according to an IOC statement made here on Friday.

"It is a great shame and very sad for the athletes who lose out because of the decision by their team not to register them," said IOC spokeswoman Emmanuelle Moreau.

She said the IOC tried until midday Friday to have the National Olympic Committee of Brunei Darussalam register its athletes, but to no avail.

The IOC decision meant 204, instead of the initially believed 205, NOCs were to participate in the opening ceremony parade.


Pangait |2008-08-10 07:31:20
Ngapa ndada kian siawang belusir?

Aliesofie - SI AWANG BUDIMAN |2008-08-10 21:21:23
Si awang Budiman kami inda lagi ukom kan belusie liau. Lamah taya tuhotnya kehabisan aing. Manakan lain pulang kiraja nya. Bukan kan bersukan nyamu! Kan makan angin saja difikir. Asal saja ikut namanya tu liau. Manang inda penting asal dapat tambang free meliat nagari urang..

oang kadayan - adeh hantap jua usainya ... |2008-08-11 10:40:50
usai hantap jua tutuan atu...

Dipahami bah tu liau.

Lagi ngantat kah inda sukarela nganya bah tu....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nyamuk dan Bangking

Written by Kalajiau Ingaa

"Selamat dari sesungut nyamuk masuk ke mulut bangking”

Rasanya pada zaman itu penggunaan kulambu adalah meluas di mana-mana jua, tidak terhad kepada dunia kami semata-mata.

Lebih-lebih lagilah di dunia kami yang hanya sedikit berbeza dari rimba raya. Selain dari penuh dengan oksigen, ia juga penuh dengan serangga terutamanya nyamuk.


Kelambu Kulambu Bangking part 2

Kecuali semburan DDT yang mula diperkenalkan oleh kerajaan melalui Jabatan Kesihatan pada tahun-tahun 1970an, kawalan nyamuk aedes dan demam denggi, aktiviti menyaman orang ramai kerana didapati 'menternak' nyamuk dan sebagainya, merupakan sesuatu keanehan yang tidak kami fahami.

Jadi kulambu merupakan jalan singkat mengelak dari nyamuk, walaupun di bawah setiap rumah oang daat terdapat palacahan (takungan perlimbahan) yang merupakan sumber utama pembiakan jentik-jentik.

Malangnya, ibarat keadaan ini ibarat ”selamat dari sesungut nyamuk masuk ke mulut bangking".

Bangking (pijat tempat tidur) merupakan sejenis pijat yang berwarna merah dan kerjanya juga menghisap darah manusia. Ia sebesar atau kecil sedikit dari biji padi, tetapi bentuknya nipis kecuali apabila kenyang. Bentuk tubuhnya yang nipis ini membolehkannya menyelinap dan bertelur dengan senang di celah-celah jahitan dan bucu bantal, tikar dan kulambu. Badannya lebih besar berbanding dengan nyamuk dan gigitannya mengakibatkan bekas merah yang disedari pada waktu pagi.

Masalahnya kulambu jarang dicuci, pantang pula disasah (sesah, cuci, godam) di sungai. Konon ia mengundang buaya untuk bertandang, siapalah yang berani!

Jadi penyembur serangga digunakan sekali sekala untuk disemburkan pada kulambu untuk menghindar gangguan bangking durjana. Pam ini merupakan penyembur tangan manual tanpa gas. Ia merupakan campuran pesticide (indungan) yang dicampur sendiri dengan kerosen.

Pada masa itu macau aangit (racun nyamuk) bukannya tiada, ada. Warnanya tetap sama hijau dan dijual di dalam kotak dan lingkaran 8 jam yang hampir sama seperti sekarang. Made in China juga, tetapi bentuknya bulat, besar sedikit dari mee basah kuning yang anda biasa lihat (makan) sekarang ini.

Okey, untuk deskripsi yang lebih mudah, bayangkan saja ia seperti lingkaran mi besar dan berwarna hijau. Ia dipanggil macau kerana baunya yang seperti setanggi cina dan ia kurang digemari kerana baunya.

Tapi aah, biarlah. Bangkingkah, busukkah; kulambu tetap mengundang nostalgia sendiri kepada kami oang daat.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Malaysia boleh! Pelacur melayu di London

Malaysia Boleh!

(harakahdaily) Princess adalah seorang remaja perempuan Melayu, beragama Islam dan berusia 22 tahun serta pekerja sebagai pelacur di London.

Hari ini nampaknya, orang Melayu sudah boleh menjadi pelacur di sebuah kota metropolitan seperti London. Dan rupa-rupanya cerita Sufiah, gadis genius Matematik yang juga melakukan pekerjaan yang sama di London bukanlah sebenarnya kes terpencil.

Cerita Noor Azura menjadi sensasi di London apabila beberapa hari lalu Mahkamah Old Bailey, London menjatuh hukuman 15 tahun penjara terhadap beliau kerana disabitkan bersubahat membunuh dan memenggal kepala seorang lagi remaja wanita Xie Xing Xing (bukan rakyat Malaysia) sebelum mencampakkan mayatnya ke dalam Sungai Thames.

Tentu sekali ia satu pembunuhan kejam. Apa yang menarik ia dilakukan oleh seorang remaja perempuan Malaysia di luar negara.


kadayan-BOY - buduh! |2008-11-13 22:03:16
palui bana uang buang anak atu!
bauta tu ahh...mun ku nda ku iski kawin sama uang atu..
palii bana!
majal tia tebaanak...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Palm oil: Time for more refineries

Written by MDYSphere

Demand for agriculture products has an inelastic demand and it implies that a reduction in the demand for palm oil means that revenue will fall drastically (percentage decrease in price is larger that percentage decrease in quantity demanded).

In theory producer of agricultural products tend to limit its production as acquire high price in order to gain larger revenue.

MIRI, July 26 (Bernama) -- Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui will meet his Indonesian Agriculture Minister Dr Anton Apriyantono in Jakarta next week to discuss measures to be taken concerning the current downward trend of palm oil prices. Speaking to reporters here Saturday, Chin said the meeting would be significant for both countries as they commanded over 85 percent of the world's palm oil production . Definition of having monopoly power is to have control 1/3 of the market production. Malaysia and Indonesia have 95% of the world supply of the palm oil and it is surprising to see that consumers are controlling over the price of palm oil.

Sabah became the country's main palm oil producer on 1.24 million hectares of the total 4.3 million hectares, Plantation Industries and Commodities Deputy Minister Datuk Anifah Aman said Saturday (DE 17.02.08).

The government must be diligent enough to be able to control its supply of palm oil so as to control the price of palm oil. I recommend at time of fall prices, producers must put more attention on refineries even its means accruing less revenue until world palm oil price become attractive once again.

This article is being mirrored from MDYSphere.BlogSpot.Com

Subsidies: Microeconomics point of view

Written by MDYSphere

I agree with you subsidies on the price of petrol is inevitable . You have illustrated at the macro level how subsidies can achieve a desirable level of GDP. Once subsidies are placed into the economy, the multiplier effect will play its part.

When we talk about subsidy we are referring to Fiscal Policy which deals with government spending (Expenditure) and Imposition of Tax. It is an important policy to check and balance the economic activities within an economy.

Government expenditure on subsidies can be looked at as a long-run investment. Obviously, one talk about investment one must consider the concept of Opportunity cost of that investment. Notwithstanding the social obligations of government, perhaps, one way of looking at subsidies as a waste of resources is when the opportunities forgone for such subsidies are not taken seriously. Worst still if subsidies are presumed to stimulate spending during inflationary period. Having that extra money without prior having to produce goods and services for such extra money would only create further inflation as too much money chasing too few goods and services. An example is the subsidies on petrol recently introduced by the government, where cash money is given to motorists.

Another unique example for subsidies is the way Japanese government spent million of yen on subsidising rice. Rice was once so important to Japan’s culture that it was worshipped as a god. Yet the economic problems now facing Japan’s rice farmers make it almost impossible for them to make money. As a result, the Japanese government subsidises the industry and tries to stop imports of foreign rice. Other nations complain these practices breach world trade rules, but it could be very hard for the rice farmers to manage without such subsidies. The US, Australia and China would be popular and cheaper than the home-grown variety. Why then the Japanese government went to the extent in breaking the world trade rules and at the same time, what happen to the law of comparative advantages.

I like to look at the micro economics theory to illustrate why it is important for the government to invest by means of subsidising the price of petrol. We begin by looking at four main reasons that cause the price of crude oil to increase which in turns increase the price of petrol.

Supply and Demand

As incomes rises, economies use more energy for transport, and producing goods and services. Abroad cross section of nearly 180 countries shows that doubling per capita income more than double per capita oil consumption. How much each country contributes to increases in global energy demand depends on its population and rate of income growth.

Micro economics demand and supply theory suggests that there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity. The magnitude change in price and quantity depend on the individual elasticity. Empirical evident suggests that both supply and demand of crude oil tend to be relatively inelastic in short run. What this means is that an increase in demand would shift the demand curve to the right at a given supply curve - a greater percentage increase in price as compare to percentage increase in quantity. However, it unlikely supply will be able to meet demand in the short-run due to the nature of crude oil business. Oil exploration and production require huge investments over long periods. In the long-run supply curve will move to the right and a new equilibrium is reached. At the new equilibrium, the new price will be much higher than the old equilibrium price.

Mismatch between reserves and economic systems

A large part of the world’s oil reserves are outside the easy reach of free market, with their incentives and disciplines. Oil prices are rising not because the world is running out of oil but because the bulk of reserves are in countries where market incentives cannot work fully or in the hands of monopolists who may be exercising their power by restraining investment


The price of crude oil is controlled by an elaborate financial market system as well as by four major Anglo-American oil companies. It has been argued that as much as 60% of today’s crude oil price is pure speculation driven by large trader banks and hedge funds. It has nothing to do with the convenient myths of peak oil. It has to do with control of oil and its price.

Dollar’s Weakening

Oil has long been traded in U.S dollars. It is believed that having a single-currency system lowers transaction costs for commodity that trades globally. The weakening of dollar has a direct impact on demand, supply and price of petrol. A declining dollar makes oil cheaper for consumers this in turn increase demand for petrol. A weakening U.S. currency also reduces the dollar-denominated supply from foreign producers. Together, these two factors exert additional upward pressure on prices. When comes to adjustment in oil consumption and production, a declining dollar takes time to reshape crude oil prices because expectations do not shift quickly. Factors that push up expectations of future prices, however, also put upward pressure on spot prices because markets will adjust until investors are indifferent between holding and selling the marginal barrel of crude oil on the spot market.

Given such factors it is clearly be seen such notion of the invisible hand of Adam Smith by letting the market forces to determine the price equilibrium for patrol is no longer applicable when we referring to petrol production nowadays. Demand and supply situation only play small part in determining the market equilibrium for patrol. On the other hands, even if we agreed that Smith theory is applicable, the price equilibrium will never be reached in the long run. This is true if one looks at Cobweb model which illustrates that given the differences in elasticity of both demand and supply for a product tend be unstable. At this situation where the supply curve is more inelastic than the demand curve for petrol as such the price of petrol will never be stable in the long run. What it implies here is that price of petrol will never be at equilibrium because of mismatch between reserve and economic system, speculators, and the weakening of US dollar. Therefore, when talking about the determination of price of petrol we are no longer talk about the Adam smith notion of invisible hand. The price of petrol and the elasticity of supply and demand are solely determined by the visible hand of the factors mentioned earlier.

We expect the global price of petrol to remain relatively high. Therefore, we need to use other measure to predetermine our local price of petrol. One of the tolls is giving subsidies on the price of petrol. The reason is simple. Subsidies on price of petrol must be treated as a form of investment and the return on investment would be in the form of income collected through tax from businesses. Subsidies reduce the price of petrol and will reduce the cost of production. The reduction on cost will lead to profit for profit maximisation firms and further increase earning for the government. Were profit is there to be captured there will be more investment and more profit that leads to further increase in earning capacity for the government. Obviously, the government needs to find sources on how to finance the subsidies and this problem has been touched by certain politicians.

Subsidies will eventually be self-financing and this is because in the long run the extra earnings by the government will eventually pay for the subsidies invested. The policy of reducing income tax, waive the dividend tax and RPGT has little impact on the burden by the increase in the price of petrol. Money given directly to the population, at times, can do more harm than good to the economy. We must remember lots of money in the pocket does not necessarily imply that money can acquire more goods and services. What matters is the purchasing power of money that we have in the wallet. Therefore, subsidy on the price of petrol is money given indirectly to the population and there is no question of too much money chasing too few goods and services in the economy.

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