Note: My deepest condolences to a close friend of mine on the demise of her beloved mother two days ago (16/4/2012). This post may be co-incidentally related to, but it is not about her anyway.
I’m talking about up and down of life.
So one day you find yourself lay down on the bottom bed of the ocean, the bottom rock of your life due to unforeseen circumstances. And totally depressed, full of pain and sorrow. There you’re, barely alive, and hardly breathing, but still alive by the way.
Too weak and can’t do anything about everything. Can’t get yourself up and to grab a decent rope if there is any, somewhere around. And even if you have the rope in hand, pity that you can’t find a proper place to hang yourself in order to end the misery.
What a pathetic state of life, suits the ‘rock bottom’ name like the pair of glasses.
But hey, there is a good news actually. As you’re now on the deepest bottom, it simply impossible to sunk further, deeper than that.
There are only two options left. Either let yourself die a slow death, or to get up from there.
Lets talk about the first option, die a slow death.
The infamous, modern day planned die-a-slow-death incident was by Takajiro Onishi (1891 - 1945). He was the admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy. When Japan defeated and eventually unconditionally surrendered, he committed a ritual suicide known as seppuku or harakiri in his quarters on 16 August 1945. According to the record, he purposely ending his life as slow as possible and stabbed his belly inch by inch before eventually dies 15 hours later.
You know, seppuku is an honorable act of dying for Japanese people not-so-long time ago. It is done in two steps.
First, to stab the belly wide open horizontally, and then twisting the sword, so part of the intestine piles out as the evident of honesty (see pix).
Second, when the first step above is done with, the helper (a kaishakunin / second sword - see or click the staged seppuku ritual captured by Peery, 1897 on the pix below) will beheading the person to quickly erase the pain.
It was said that Takajiro Onishi refused the second steps (kaishakunin) in order to die a slow death. He begin the ritual on 6 a.m. in the morning and dies in about 9 p.m. on the evening.
What a freaking guy he was, you sure think. Yes, it is. But he was the trained samurai, living with the warrior’s Code of Bushido.
You, on the other hand aren’t. Other than that, you’re too weak and, may not capable of handling more pain than what you already have. I don’t know what you think about this, but the best possible option is to get up. Get up, get a new life. Explore the world and you will be given the second chance, always.
No matter how hard it is, it is always better to stay alive than to die. The sooner you realize it, the better :)
Comments (via disqus):
Mai Da 19 Apr 2012
Easy 2 say, but hard 2 follow...
mie4life 20 Apr 2012
:) understood. It s the virtue of living a difficult life. Even to say something like this is difficult when u r there at the bottom pit of life. One can say thing like this after he succesfully get out from there, not b4 that. But again, there are only two options to choose, either to stay alive or to die. If both dying and living are difficult to choose, then i propose to stay alive~regards.
Mai Da 22 Apr 2012
Sorry sir, my comment not mention to anybody, 100% to myself...what i always feel
4 months ago by:
Arimi 21 Apr 2012
No lar sis... Tak tersinggung sikit pun, ikhlas cakap, tq sbb sudi memberi pendapat. Saya pun bercakap dari pengalaman sendiri :)
mie4life 25 Apr 2012
I'm glad that you share the same poibt of view, ty
Mai Da 30 Apr 2012
Setuju..sebagai muslim kita pun dah selalu diperingatkan agar tidak berputus asa terhadap rahmat Allah...tiada jalan pintas dengan memilih kematian.
Mai Da 15 Jul 2012
Apa kah karne tiada jalan keluar, maka sudah begitu ramai yang mengambil jalan membunuh diri, mungkin saudara juga telah mengkaji
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